Monday, July 28, 2008

My T-Shirt Quilt

So - HURRAH! I totally found all my t-shirts (and my Harry Potter box, tee hee)! I've already begun to cut a few of them up, and with some of them I'm like "Okay, what the hell was I thinking?" or "I can't believe I wore this crappy shirt my mom bought" and other times I'm like "Hahaha, me and my nerdiness..." and then there's "Oh man... I don't know how I can chop up this shirt..." (This last one is especially true with my Jovert shirts).

But I want to chop up pretty much every shirt regardless of how I feel about it - or rather, because of all these feelings about it. I kind of want this to be a symbolic passing of an era, if you will. God, all through high school, and before, these t-shirts were what I was. I always wore a tshirt and jeans - always. It kinda came a part of my identity after my elementary and middle school years of wearing every awful thing my mother ever bought me (and my mother has pretty awful fashion sense...). But I'm beyond that now - I don't wear Inuyasha on my chest anymore. No "Muggle," no "Invade Canada." I can't stand the feel of t-shirts and I'm sick of the lame things on the front. I wanna be girly now, and you really can't be girly in a tshirt (although I'm saving a few for comfort-times).

I'd like to save all the memories, though. I thought a quilt would be the best way. So I've got all these squares already cut up, and I'm cutting up more. When it's done (and I'm planning on making it queen-sized), I'll be able to sit down with it and look over it and remember my childhood, in a way. It'll be pretty sweet to have all that, while not looking like a lamewad wearing it all out of the house.

P.S. The remaining material from the shirts, since I'm just cutting out the front decorations and stuff, is either sewing fodder for experimenting, or donation for the printmaking studio/painting studio. (T-shirt material makes excellent rags for cleaning up oil paint and stuff). I felt a little bad about not donating these clothes to charity, but really, who wants an orthodontist's t-shirt, anyway? :P


Anonymous said...

Muahahahahaha! See!? I told you you would find them. Where was the box you put them in?

Megan said...

Totally in my closet. They were hidden beneath other boxes... so yeah...

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. you should have looked through your closet more carefully you silly goose. But I am glad you found them.

Megan said...

I looked through my closet fricken THREE TIMES before the final look-through. It was underneath a box underneath some speakers. Not an easy thing to get to.

Anonymous said...

What the hell was it doing underneath that crap!!!??? :P

Ah well at least you found it and got to walk down memory lane whilst cutting your shirts up haha.

Megan said...

Um, my mom put all that crap in there....

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh that explains it! haha.